Hello CC insiders! It's been a hot minute, how have you guys been? The circuit-breaker in Singapore has really taken its toll on the lot of us, hasn't it? It almost feels like a mini time-out for us in Singapore and our Government is waving its mega large proverbial finger at us saying 'Grr! Stay home or else!' I hope everyone is keeping safe though, and most importantly, keeping sane, while in isolation.
Speaking of keeping sane, I'd like to talk about something that I've been really missing lately, and that is Art Markets! It's a funny journey; art markets and me, because I'm really not a crowd type person generally. See a crowded hall and I'm out like the plague just hit. (Oops. Maybe not the best pun to make during a global pandemic. Sorry!)
Jokes aside, I'm surprising myself with how much I'm thinking about being back at art markets. It doesn't help that as Phase 2 is starting to ease into place, lots of organizers have been texting with booth promotions at upcoming art markets. I don't know, as much as it's tempting to be back at an event again, I'm not sure encouraging the lot of you to gather round is really the best idea right now. For now, I can only hope and pray that my (lack of) e-commerce skills can get us all through this difficult time.
Really, being a maker/creator who relies a lot on art market exposure, I used to get major anxiety the day before the start of any pop-up event. That's when the packing begins and inventory count starts! Trying to predict what the crowd might want, take the season/holidays into account, factor in the latest trends, keeping up with the other makers-creators in the market, and boy does the stress add up! Of course, it's only when I'm there at the event hall does the anxiety eventually ease off, and then I'm filled with nothing but excitement (and also hunger; because really, someone, rescue the person who tries to force-feed me when I'm in an Art-Market-Packing Frenzy.)
I've found that I've come to really enjoy the process of being at art markets, and what a journey of discovery it has been for me. Like I've mentioned before, I'm really not a crowds type girl. It brings about a sort of frustrating anxiety that only introverts will understand. Only one thing can help overcome that feeling, and that is my love of what I do. At least, it's the only logical reasoning I can deduce. And it's not just getting to sell my crochet items. The physical act of crocheting itself is really not it. It's everything in combination with the product development to meeting you guys. (I'll get into what I love about crochet in another post I think!)
With e-commerce and online sales, I so rarely get to meet the people who make my dream job possible; and that's you guys. Most of the time, you all are just a series of usernames and orders numbers. Seriously, Mell and I lovingly refer to some of your familiar names as "Order number #12345" or "username @abcdefg" and it's strange, even for us! I don't like it; it's too detached, too sterile. So imagine our excitement and joy when we get to finally put a face to that username! It's like finally getting to meet a friend that you already know. Is that weird? I don't know, maybe that's weird, but it really does feel like that!
It's an interesting feeling (definitely not one I can find the correct adjective for) when I'm sitting there minding my own business at my booth (literally!) and then something catches my eye and it's a pouch or BB-Tea holder that I remember selling last month or the months prior. It's a jolt of energy in the pit of my stomach and then it's almost always followed up with an enthusiastic, very friendly "Hello!" from the customer in question. In 3,2,1, let's all scream GOOD VIBES!!
It's a very involved process for me, crocheting an item into existence. So when it gets sold, I oftentimes truly believe I will never get to see it again. Meeting you guys, and seeing an old product again, is really the coming together of 2 separate things that are important to me. So I suppose that where the excitement all comes from.
Truly, I can't wait until it's safe again for all of us to come together. It's almost been a year can you believe that! I read somewhere once that the feelings of Nervousness and Excitement stem from the same neuro-connections in our brains, and it's purely our perception that flips the switch between the two. And that's what I'm keeping in mind for sure!
Till then, fingers crossed that we secure an art market pop-up closer to Christmas! In the meantime, I guess Instagram, Youtube, and this blog is really the only places for us to keep in contact. Stay safe everyone, and lots of crochet love to you all xx Inez.